date: 3/12/2024
mood: tired
music: Lemon Demon.
Glumshanks: the goat.
Hi, this is my first ever blog post! I dont really know what you say in a blog tho :p, do you just talk about your day are there any rules to this type of thing? It is my own website/blog so I guess I can make my own rules.
Today Ive been listening to some pretty good tunes, King Gizzard, Lemon Demon, The Dear hunter, just to name a few artist. Like right now as I type this up im listening to "Ring-3 Luxury" By The Dear Hunter, its so gooooddd. This whole album is pretty good in general I think the story with atleast each song is a different ring in this kingdom? (not sure lol).
So like for example ring 8/track 1 is the lowest level poverty and as the album goes on you go up each ring all the way up to "Ring-1 Tower". And Tower is where the tryranical ruler god emperor XCV lives, and BOY is he a piece of work. He just kinda sucks as a person lol, he just destroys things cause it brings him pleasure and hates the lowers rings and what not. Anywho I think to whoever is reading this you should go listen to it, espcially if you like prog rock/popish rock, or not thats up to you! Anyways enjoy your night, day, morning or whatever, just have fun! And come back whenever to check in on my silly blog thing! (oh yeah the album is Antimai by the dear hunter, almost forgot whoops!)
date: 3/14/2024
mood: eepy
music: King Gizzard
Jerma Zerkin Status: Mr.Greenz
Hi y'all its me again, i was super eepy all day yesterday so I ended up just sleeping most of the day and didnt get around to doing this. Anywho as of writing this I've made the html files for my other pages on this silly little website. I hope you enjoy looking at the boy kisser whilst we wait for me to actually learn how to use css so I can make my own website layouts instead of using the cool free ones that I find on the interwbes.
Im gonna try to keep up with this blog thing, so atleast a new post every day, Depending on how eepy I am obviulsy. Have you heard about whats happening with rooster teeth? Getting shutdown and all, I think it sucks cause my favorite show BFT (Best Friends Today).
Update: Too Eepy.
Little Kitkat in a nook
date: 3/18/2024
mood: meh
music: Machine Girl
Ads make me: Angry
Hi I kinda forgot about this whole thing by accident, thats my bad tho Ill try to keep up with I guess weekly.
So Im probably gonna keep this post short since I cant think of much to write. Anywho I got a job recently so I spent all last weekend working which was interesting just working on days that I usally would sleep thru or play video games all day. But its a nice job pay isnt the best but the work is easy so I cant complain. But yea not much to write about today.
Probably gonna talk about Sims 2 in the next post idk, anywho have a good day!
Chromebooks will be are downfall
date: 3/19/2024
mood: bleh
music: Spoofy
Knuckles was born in: 19ought7
I really gotta fix me sleep schedule, cause I keep staying up till like 1 or 2 am and then I have to get up at 5 am for class and then I go through my 1st period tired as hell. It would be nice to not be so tired all the time cuase thats kinda been my main character trait for like wayyyyyyyy to long. Gotta switch it up ya know? Cause I think it'd be nice to have some energy to get through my day. Anywho, my headers usally never line up with what I'm actually gonna talk about, they're usally just a random thought that I've had so I write it down.
But I do think chromebooks will be our downfall, Why? Because they SUCK, I luckily dont have to use them anymore espically since I bought a new laptop a year ago. And even then before I had my new laptop (Surface Laptop Go 8gb) I rocked a 2010 Macbook Pro that I fixed up, loved that thing. I used it for about 2 years and as much as I dont like Tim apple I can say that, that old Macbook was probably one of the best bad laptops that ive ever had. WOW I got off topic whoops, anywho chromebooks are slow and cant last long enough to not be considered E-waste. But I think if you do have an old chromebook you should put linux or winbows on it.(Also I just dont like ChromeOS)
Anyways, writing is fun, its nice to turn my thoughts into something that I can see and look back at like a year later to cringe at. Also I lied in the other blog post I didnt even bring up the game known as SIMs 2. Great game by the way a whole lot of fun, altough I should probably sleep instead of playing that lol. Anywho, have a good day/night!
We peaked as a socitey when the Samsung Galaxy S9 was created.
date: 3/21/2024
mood: weird
music: Nonagon Infinity
Wasp status: In my bones.
Hi actually somewhat keeping up with this blog thing. .
What if I was your gothrat gf
date: 4/24/2024
mood: Diane Foxington
music: Spoofy Jam
Why do I drive a 7 seater Suv if its just me?
Hi update day or something like that, this website isnt dead or abandoned, hell I think about working on it atleast once a day, I just never get around to it, its mainly because I do have ADHD and its already hard enough to focus on school lol.
But I will get back to working on this website and the in consturtion boykissers will disapper and new pages will be formed so look foward to that. Ill probably start on that after I graduate so around june 12 maybe, Ill keep yall posted ;3. ALSO THE POST ABOVE WAS A FUCKING LIE AHHAHAHAHAAHAHA